Ripal Nepal-German Kindergarten
Okhaldhunga District

Nepal Himalaya Sherpa Foundation (NHSF)
Nuri Sherpa – teacher and NHSF member
The Ripal Nepal-German Kindergarten will be active under the umbrella of the Shree Mahadev Primary School, Tawer, Okhaldhunga district.
Mr. Nuri Sherpa is teacher and mem- ber of the NHSF, he is guiding as teacher and future principal this project and ex- plains now here how the Kindergarten can work.
– 12 children can join
– 3 teacher (2 nepali and 1 german) – 1 cook
– 1 caretaker
The goal of this Kindergarten is to provide a basic education that the children can join, after the time here, in a second step a Primary School.
The teaching subjects are Alphabetical A,B,C , basic mathematics, basic Nepali language, ba-
sic German language, basic Tibetan language, Sports, Play Group and Himalayan Sherpa Arts (Painting, Instruments, Dance).
We would like to ask you for your kind support!
Please contact us and we can provide you the details. We need 40.000 Euro.
With very warm regards from Swoyambhu-Kathmandu, Nepal Your Nepal Himalaya Sherpa Foundation Team
Germany Donation account: Himalaya Projekt e.V. IBAN: KSK Koeln Germany, IBAN: DE26370502990382550485, BIC: COKS-DE33XXX, Reference: Proj. 0 Kindergarten
Nepal Donation account: Nepal Himalaya Sherpa Foundation – Siddhartha Bank, Swoyambhu-Kakana Chowk, Kathmandu, SWIFT-Code: SIDDNPKA, Nb. 01915130365, Reference: Proj. 0 Kindergarten