Contemporary and timeless – Buddhist sculpture of the Newar in the Kathmandu valley
The massive earthquake on 25th April 2015 had dramatic effects on the people. Many have lost their life, family, friends and livelihood. Just as painful was the destruction of cultural objects in the area. The quake has reduced centuries old buildings, sculpturings, art and craftsmanship to rubble. The research project has started in January 2015 already – and the current situation unfortunately makes it all the more important!
For more than 2,000 years, Kathmandu valley has been and still is the center of Nepalese art and culture and is recognized as world cultural heritage site of Unesco. Especially the people of Newar represent outstanding craftsmanship with the most diverse materials. The book gives you an overview of all contemporary and at the same time traditional art of Buddhist stone sculpturing. It is based upon the history of the Bajracharya family in Patan/Lalitpur who is keeping this rich transmission in the 5th generation now.
Also by means of a catalogue part the following subjects should be examined: material, tools, logistics – contemporary and yet timeless; Iconography and artistical freedom – meaning and objective of Buddhist sculpturing – customers in the East and West.
The Sowa Rigpa Foundation supports the work of Dr. Melanie Nießing and thereby contributes to make this important cultural and world heritage better known – also in the West! – to maintain it and to participate in the reconstruction of Nepal.
Dr. Nießing published a book covering this topic:
Titel: Contemporary & Timeless – Newar Buddhist Sculpture in the Kathmandu Valley
If you are interested in purchasing the book, please contact Dr. Nießing.